Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Preparation (episode 5)

The best outside sound quality so far! Maybe practice does pay off. Now go get the audio, then e-mail or call me!

  • hey Sforzie and Tenshisama - thank for the comments
  • rScott reminded me about RoughDraft
  • check out this face maker


  • create characters
  • make outlines
  • books, movies, music
    • read books like your novel
    • read books about writing, like Spider, Spin Me A Web
    • watching movies in the genre of your novel
    • get soundtracks organized
    • join the NaNo CD exchange


Anonymous said...

Heeey, I mentioned Rough Draft too. :P
But I don't care, I'm more or less pleased that you pronounced my name right. (No one does that usually.)
Last year my novel's chapter titles came from a word or two (or four) from songs on my playlist. They'll probably get removed eventually too, as a lot of the titles are kind of silly seeming now...

darusha said...

Ack! There's the peril in mentioning people - missing important things, pronouncing things wrong, not mentioning people... oh well. I'll have to take my chances (it get's comments on the site at least).

It's going to be hard this year not to use the cheap padding I mean idea-generating trick of song lyrics to start chapters.