Tuesday, October 23, 2007

3:1 Once More Into the Breach, Dear Friends

Aaand... we're back! With more nanoey goodness, and mp3s to boot.
  • what’s new with me
    • check out my podcast novel Beautiful Red
    • welcome my new co-host, Steven
  • new nanoer
    • questions & advice
  • what do people want to see in the ‘cast?
    • email me
    • leave a comment
  • theme music is Dragon Dance by Shiva in Exile @ Magnatune.com
  • email darusha + nanowrimo at gmail.com


Little Oracle said...

Hi guys!

Heard on the podcast that Darusha uses a barebones wordprocessor for Mac. Thought I'd pass along one that works on both Mac and PC for anyone interested:

I listened (but didn't comment) to this lovely podcast last year and it was great hearing another voice in NaNoland. I like the new tag team approach!

As far as what I'd like to hear? Heck, just listening to the two of you compare notes once in a while would be great.

Anonymous said...

This year is my first NaNoWriMo and I just finished listening to the '06 shows (which were great!) I'm looking forward to hearing all the great tips, tricks and of course some good stories from the trenches.
Write on!

Nan said...

YAY ! You're.bak!
Thinqs are cookinq nowliwrite this wiith my new nokia n800 internet thingy iwon't be doing sanything lengthy wit it tho. iawaiT my new alphasmart keyboard.
i.m gettingover nasty bug just in time nan roberts

Nidonocu said...

Hey Darusha! I'm taking part again this year and I've updated the spreadsheet I made back in 2005!

Its been updated to make use of some of the new features in Office 2007 but it also works great in 2003 and I hope that new Mac Numbers program too. ;)

I've made a page with all the details here.

Best of luck for this year!
Nidonocu C:\>
(Nee-dough-know-coo if you read this out :) )

Lady Jane Grey said...

Hooray Darusha!

You talked me through Nano last year, and I won... so I'm looking forward to listening as I write again this year!

I'm psyched!
