Friday, September 29, 2006

Hello, again!

Greetings for another year, writers and would-be novelists. I have decided to once again delve into the insanity that is NaNoWriMo, and I'm going to do the podcast again, too. I had already figured that I would, but today I got an email from someone who had just discovered last year's 'cast and was begging (okay, maybe just asking) me to do it again this year. So, I guess I have no choice. It probably won't be a daily show this year; I just don't think I'll have enough time. But, we shall see.

Check back in October for some warm-up thoughts, or better yet, subscribe to the podcast feed using your podcast aggregator of choice. If you're new to podcasting, you can learn all about it here. If you use one of the common podcast services, there are one-click buttons in the sidebar to help you subscribe.

Have a listen to a promo (Yeah, it's just a revamped version of last year's - too bad).


Anonymous said...

I think "begging" was fair, or at least it was going to become begging if you'd decided not to do one this year.

I'm new to podcasts in general. I'd only started listening to them in the past month because my husband-to-be started co-hosting Your Mother Hates This Show, a podcast about all things geeky (especially comic books). I'm doing a lot of mindless proofing tasks at my editing job, of late, and podcasts have been keeping me awake and alert.

I was over at the NaNoWriMo site last week and noticed that they had their WriMo Radio podcast from last year still up. I downloaded and listened to all of them in one day, then searched on Google for more. Yours was the first that came up, and I'm glad. :-)

As tangible proof of the fact that listening to your podcast has been really beneficial, I present the following:

A. I'm now really, really excited about NaNoWriMo, despite the serious time crunch I'm going to have in November (I've got classes after work at least six nights, and I'll be on vacation for a week). But I still think I can do it, and I'm looking forward to the local meet-ups. (I really, really need a social life.)

B. I'm currently revising a story without the usual accompanying whining and belly-aching. This is the more amazing of the two. I may actually get it done in time to send out tomorrow, which will be the first time I've met my revising goals in...a really long time.

So thanks again for doing this, and I'm counting down the days 'til November!

Anonymous said...

*waves hello* The overachiever is back and ready to go... (okay, I never really left. Shh!)
Um... oh! And this year I have a kitty.